Bed Bugs Can Induce Deadly Systemic Reactions in Humans Reported By Researchers

Rodent Control in New York City

As we can see by this Wikipedia article Rats are such an issue in New York City that they have their own Wikipedia section. Rats are an ongoing challenge to the pest control operator. This would be true of any area but New York City poses particular challenges. The main challenge that we face in controlling rats is that we are typically just treating the tip of the iceberg so to speak. What we see on the surface is just a small percentage of the actual rats that live in New York. There are some studies that state there are between six and ten Rats for every human being. That’s a lot of rats. So Rat Control is a daunting task


Study recently published by the Australian Entomology Association depicts the reactions that occurred after repeated feedings of bed bugs. This shows that certain people may develop allergic reactions to bed bugs that could be life threatening. Although uncommon this study proved that these reactions may occur and that medical intervention may be necessary.

 Entomology https://Entomology

Systemic and erythrodermic reactions following repeated exposure to bites from the Common bed bug Cimex lectularius (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)




Bed bugs (Cimex spp.) have undergone a global resurgence over the last 15–20 years. They readily bite humans, producing a range of cutaneous reactions. This article documents systemic reactions in two patients following repeated bites from the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius. Both patients had previously fed bed bugs on themselves without any serious complication, however upon feeding a new batch of the insects subsequently developed systemic urticarial reactions. Patient 1 fed 40–50 bed bugs on himself and after 8 min, he developed itch, swelling of the face, lethargy, profuse sweating and widespread wheals on the torso and limbs. The reaction disappeared in 5 h after treatment with systemic prednisone and antihistamines. Patient 2 developed a similar reaction after feeding five to six bed bugs on himself. In this case, the patient also developed chest tightness and breathing difficulties. Following a similar treatment, symptoms disappeared in 4 h. In light of the increasing exposure of this insect to the general public, systemic reactions in patients may present more commonly to the medical practitioner.