Canine Bed Bug Inspection

Scent Canine

Certified Canine Inspection

We demonstrate our dog prior to every search. We can demonstrate using live bed bugs where our canines will “hit” as well as dead bed bugs which she will pass. Ask your prospective handler or canine team if they will do this. The majority will refuse. WE ARE CERTIFIED EVERY 6 MONTHS under  Joseph Nicholas-one of the premier dog scent detection trainers in the entire WORLD!

We have full time bed bug dogs in the field. Our dogs and are trained to sign on live insects and viable eggs only!   A canine bed bug inspection is fast, accurate and saves you time and money.

Canine Bed Bug Inspection

We can provide a complete canine inspection of residential, commercial or institutional properties pinpointing exact areas of bed bug infestation much quicker and more accurately than a trained technician. In fact dogs have been proven to be 85% to 95% accurate as compared to a 35% accuracy rating for a tech. K-9 bedbug scent detection is much more accurate at low levels. One or two bed bugs hiding in a boxspring would be almost impossible to find for a human. Dogs which have a keen sense of smell and pick up the odor of the bed bugs just like bomb sniffing or hunting dogs pick up the scent of what they are trained for detecting. We work with our dogs every day. We demonstrate their efficacy prior to every search. We can also show how they will NOT pick up the scent of dead bed bugs. After all a dead  bed bug is a good bed bug.

We also offer manual inspections performed by our highly trained technicians throughout the tri-state area.

Bed Bug
Scent Canine

Why Using a Dog to Find Bed Bugs is Better

Dogs are just much more accurate than people at finding bed bugs. This is because they rely on their sense of smell not visual acuity. We know that bed bugs have a definitive scent that canines can pick up. They also rub themselves on their eggs after they are hatched thus transferring a pheromone to that egg that the dogs can pick up during an inspection. Dead bed bugs on the other hand do not transmit an odor that the dogs are trained on. What I am saying is that if you are using hides and a hide is what the live bed bugs are placed with in when you are working with your canine, and the insects within that are alive, and the insects are laying eggs, then that is what the dog will detect. If you are a lazy handler and leave dead bed bugs within your hide and that scent starts to overtake the odor of live bed bugs then guess what… Your dog will hit on dead bed bugs. We where the second company in New York City to have a canine dedicated to detecting bed bugs. We’ve been around for a while and we’ve been through the maelstrom of issues with canines in the scent detection field. We can assure you that a dog is only as good as its handler and it is only as honest as its handler allows it to be. We would never jeopardize our reputation through the improper use of the dog. In fact we have specific protocols in place if the dog does hit and there is no evidence detected. A3 Superior provide an honest inspection with well-trained canines that you can trust. This is also why we recommend that any canine inspection whether it’s with us or any other team that a demonstration is requested. There should be no issues with asking a handler to show you how his dog works.