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A3 Superior Pest Control provides Tick Control Services. Our Tick Yard treatment incorporate not only spraying for Ticks but Tick Control consulting. A3 Superior can provide you with a full assessment on the risk level your area or yard creates based on its location and setup. 

WHY Tick Yard Treatment? 

Ticks are small insects that feed on blood. Unfortunately, they are ever-present in our environment and spread many nasty diseases. These insects present a clear danger to our well-being. In most cases we get bitten by ticks in and around our home. Thus the need for Tick Yard Treatment-controls ticks where we live and play.  

Ticks must be controlled in and around your home. These insects can affect not only your health but the health of your pets and children. There are many products that can be used to control ticks but if you have a large yard or a heavy tick population it is best to call in a professional. We can help you control and eliminate these pests before they impact you and your family. There is a saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and this is really the truth when it comes to some of these blood-borne ailments.

The reason for Tick yard treatment is this-look at what the CDC is reporting-taken right from their website: Click Here

The CDC reports the following tick diseases in North America. We have listed those diseases primarily home to the Northeast. They are all very bad for you.

Babesiosis – Blacklegged Tick
Borrelia miyamotoi – Blacklegged Tick
Ehrlichiosis – Lone Star Tick
Heartland virus infection – Lone Star Tick
Lyme disease – Blacklegged Tick
Powassan disease-Potentially FATAL-Blacklegged Tick
Rickettsia parkeri rickettsiosis- Gulf Coast Tick
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF)- American Dog Tick, Rocky Mountain Wood Tick and Brown Dog Tick
STARI (Southern tick-associated rash illness) -Lone Star Tick
Tularemia -Dog Tick, Wood Tick, Lone Star Tick

As you can see there are many species that transmit disease. Long Islands Lyme disease cases as well as those in Upstate New York and Pennsylvania are exploding!

How To Protect Yourself From Ticks-Tick Yard Treatment

There are many areas in the United States that are heavily infested and need a treatment program implemented to reduce disease. A3 Superior’s Tick Yard Treatment will address these issues and reduce the overall risk. 

Awareness is very important when it comes to protecting yourself from Ticks.
Whenever you are out walking in your yard or hiking along trails it is important to wear long pants with your socks pulled up over your pants to prevent ticks from getting in beneath your clothing. It is prudent to check yourself for Tick movement several times over the course of the day. 

Nymphal stage ticks are very small some as small as a speck of pepper so it is important to check yourself thoroughly. We recommend the use of products such as Deet or Permethrin as repellents and to kill any insects that may climb onto you. It is important to read all label directions and to follow them carefully. One of the benefits of Permethrin is that it will last through multiple washes and continually protect you from Ticks.

 In addition to tick yard treatment around your yard it is best to keep the grass cut short at heights of 3 to 5 inches maximum. Also it is important to remove all leaf litter as this is a great hiding and harborage area for many different types of Ticks. Pachysandra is a great harborage as well.  Remember that rodents are the primary vector for Lyme disease and carry heavy amounts of Ticks. Due to the area that we live in it is almost impossible to completely eradicate all rodents from our yard but there are some products that actually treat the rodents eliminating the Ticks from them and greatly reducing not only Ticks but also reducing the number of Ticks that are carrying Lyme disease. The longer it is implemented the better the results are.  

If you spend any time outdoors even with the use of repellents and being careful it is always prudent to do a thorough Tick check at the end of the day. Remember to check not only the back of your neck but behind your ears, under your arms, behind your knees, between your toes, and other intimate areas of your body. A hand mirror can be used for areas that are difficult to see. If you do end up having a Tick bite you or latch on you can save the Tick and have it tested. Although testing can cost up to $200 some places such as Pike County PA the tick testing is FREE. Either way knowing if you’ve been bitten by a tick carrying a pathogen is more than worth it.

Tick Treatment


Prevention is the best medicine. In a lot of cases people are exposed to ticks not only from walking along trails and hiking through the woods but from their pets. Applying a topical solution of treatment that incorporates DEET is a must when hiking by the way. You can also pre-treat your clothes with permethrin. 

Your pets are outside and they bring these insects into our home where they drop off of them and climb onto us during our interactions. That means it’s very important to treat your dog and your cat as well as providing Tick yard treatment. Protect your pet! Most people think that ticks are primarily associated with deer but that is not true. It is actually the white-footed deer mouse (yes mice) that is the primary repository of the Lyme disease Spirochaete. So rodent pest control around your home is important as well. Consider doing a Spring treatment spray using an insecticide in mid to late spring. This helps control fleas and mosquito populations as well. If you are hesitant to spray we can provide other methods of control that are effective as well. Call us for more information.

If you want to take care of your dogs and cats you should provide them with a topical product like Frontline. This will also help you get rid of these insects and prevent them from attacking their host.

These creatures are horrible pests and we need chemical sprays to our yards to prevent them from spreading disease to us and our pets. Consider them walking terrorists spreading disease. No mercy or quarter should be given. We care about you, your family, and your pets. A3 is well versed and very effective in eliminating these pests. With all the health risks associated with these insects, it is prudent to take steps to eliminate them.providing


We don’t really rent opossums but we do have reduced risk and all-organic programs that will help reduce the number of ticks in your yard without applying a lot of pesticides. Ask about our Rentapossum™ Program today! BTW Opossums do eat a lot of ticks. If they are around consider being kind to them. 

Opossum Control
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